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  • Writer's pictureDipasha


My dreams taunt me into thinking of long voyages and beautiful starry nights.

The soft, luminous dawns that i could possibly see at the edge of an endless horizon.

Or the cooling whisper of wind that could touch my cheek,

Like the sweet kiss of a lover on a hot summer's day...

The wanderlust and my itchy feet lay impatiently dormant for my fantasies to come true-

There seems to be so much to see, so much to do,

And yet here I am as still as a leaf trapped without the embrace of the wind

Life in gray-scale instead of Technicolor...

Seconds wasted away in my unchaotic existence-

Give me a sign universe!

Of untold adventures that'll come my way

I need my hopes to live so I can step away from the dull reality

Let me sleep under the stars and count infinite rainbows everyday

And skip a step along every puddle I meet

Looking at each bejeweled pebble shaped by nature in awe

Give no peace to my itchy feet, no rest to my restless soul

Carry me along with you as if I am an infinitesimally small dust speck with no roots

My destination unwritten-

Let me be your whim

Set me free.....

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